Joensuun kaupunginteatterin ottaa käyttöönsä Theatron-järjestelmän vuoden 2019 aikana.
THEATRON on teattereille ja muille esittävän taiteen organisaatioille tehty sovellus, jonka avulla voidaan kuvata produktiot, suunnitella niiden esitys- ja harjoitusaikataulut ja julkistaa ne organisaation sisällä ja internetissä.
Alla on 20. joulukuuta julkaistu Mansoft tietotekniikka Oy:n englanninkielinen tiedote asiasta.
This month we are very excited to share couple of news with you:
The firs one is regarding our new customer, Joensuu City Theater, which has made the decision to join the Theatron family. Welcome!
The roots of this professional theater’s work extend to the beginning of the last century. In 1912, the Joy of Workers’ Association became Joensuu Workers’ Theater. The second drama club, which served as the Lower Section of the Finnish Association, moved in 1914 into the newly built City Hall and changed its name to Joensuu Theater. In 1948, the Joensuu Workers’ Theater and Joensuu Theater were merged and Joensuu City Theater was born. The theater has anintimate auditorium of 273 seats and a second room with 80 seats.
We are very happy to have a new Finnish customer and to be able to digitalize their production planning.
You can read more about Joensuu City Theater here.
Regarding the second piece of new, we have just launched the brand new Theatron webpage, with more information about the software, FAQ section and much more to discover.
We are currently working on the multiple language options and the address for the webpage is the same: Check it out and feel free to ask for a demo!
Mansoft team wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019!